Music + Arts

Summer Concert was a triumph

As I write this, I am sitting in Practice Room 1 and contemplating what a full and successful day we have had of ABRSM music examinations, and still another morning to go tomorrow. This term there were no less than 31 entries for music exams!

This is no small feat and a testament to the sterling work that our fantastic team of peripatetic teachers put in all year around. We are lucky to have such a dedicated and fine team of teachers who work with us at Copthill.

This term’s informal concerts have also showcased lots of solo talent and are such an enjoyable way to practise performance skills. If your child hasn’t ever performed in one, perhaps encourage them next term, or ask them to come along to support their friends - they may be surprised to find out that they are sitting next to a talented clarinetist or virtuosic violinist in their Maths lessons!

The Reception classes never fail to delight when they take to the stage and last week we had a real treat. The children had been working on a short production of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and, with a paradoxically small giant, they sung their little hearts out to an audience of mesmerised friends and relatives. I’m already looking forward to the Christmas Nativity - there is never a dull moment with Reception and lots of laughs along the way!

What a feast of performing arts we were privileged to witness with the production of ‘The Lion King’. Mr Thomas really knows how to make a production look sensational and with a cast of multi-talented actors, the show was sure to be a triumph. The children worked hard to put together a performance that combined beautiful solo songs with memorable, and sometimes haunting, chorus numbers. The dancers wowed and the gymnasts thrilled their captive audience. Well done to all!

Last Friday, the sun shone for the first time in what seemed like forever and the scene was set for our outdoor Summer Concert. An array of varied repertoire made up a lively concert that included all of our musical ensembles. More than 70 children took to the stage and sent their audience away with a feel-good factor for the weekend. Mrs Teesdale Senior cast her astute eye over the many peripatetic staff that came to support and declared her longing to see a staff band next time. Oh dear - we had better brush up on our cool-factor!

The Music Department says goodbye to many musically talented pupils this term - children who have given a great deal to the school and in turn benefited from the many performing opportunities available at Copthill. A big thank you to all of them and good luck in their future musical endeavours.

Mrs McAlindon