Upper School

Fur-midable events end a Purr-fect year!

It’s been an adventurous term for Upper School and we’ve enjoyed going wild both inside and outside the classroom; plenty of fur-midable events ending a purr-fect year.

Year 4 learnt to survive, work together as a pack and slept under the stars at Campover. They eagerly learnt about the 1980s, playing ‘Pong’ and ‘Space Invaders’ and hearing about life before the internet and mobile phones. Ancient history to this generation of digital natives, but a bit more recent for parents and teachers!

Year 5 explored their habitats through their topic ‘Location, Location, Location’ and geo-caching in Humanities. They went hunting for the mysterious Barnack Bimble, hidden very near Copthill and explored Woolsthorpe Manor, Isaac Newton’s house in the 1670s. Pounce forward 300 years and they also learnt 1970s disco moves from Mr Willson.

Year 6’s jam-packed term culminated in their roar-some production of ‘The Lion King’! The hall was filled with a host of African animal guests treating audiences to a festival-inspired experience. This linked to their Eco-Warrior project where they considered the rest of the planet and designed water-based products in a ‘Dragons Den’-style trial. They weren’t kitten around!

Finally, we discovered dungeons, archery and wall-walking on a trip to Warwick Castle. Our favourite part was the ‘Falconer’s Quest’ where birds of prey swept centimetres above our heads. Just as these birds have found new homes at Warwick Castle, it’s time for our older adventurers to spread their wings and head to pastures new. We hope they soar high and amaze everyone they meet.

A group of lions is known as a ‘pride’, which sums up my feelings as we finish another year at Copthill. Having achieved so much, the Circle of Life continues and I’m already looking forward to these experienced big cats making way for eager new cubs next year. ‘Hakuna Matata’ everybody - and have a wonderful summer.

Mr Thomas

Upper School Leader




The children in Year 4 were busy building and creating designs at the Architecture Workshop.

They had to decide which designs would be the strongest, as well as look good.



Y4 had fun acting out a French café scene and asking for their items in French using the phrases. ‘Je voudrais’ and ‘merci’. Some of us were waiters and waitresses serving in the café and we all had a turn at being a customer.

Once we had tried the food, we gave our opinions in French.
Tu aimes?                    Oui j’aime!                  Non, je n’aime pas!

YEAR 5 & 6



Y5 having fun investigating together the best 'science bubble' mixture in science today! Great team work and HUGE bubbles!



Y6 had a fabulous morning with the Latin pupils from SHS completing lots of different classics activities together. We started the morning with some Roman numeral challenges. Following this, Y6 were put to work with a Harry Potter based Latin challenge, using Latin roots to understand the effects of spells and learn more about the characters’ names. Later in the morning, we studied the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur, acting out our own interpretation of the stories. We evaluated Greek pottery and how the Ancient Greeks used these to tell stories before creating our very own versions. Wonderful work! Bene!