Head''s News
Aim high, and don't give up
Aim high, and don’t give up.
During their final Celebration and Leavers’ Assembly, Year 6 performed, for one final time, their energetic and inspiring rendition of ‘Anything Can Happen’ from Mary Poppins Jr. As they now leave Copthill School and begin the next stage of their educational journey, I asked them to remember the importance of the message behind the words they shared.
If you reach for the stars,
All you get are the stars,
But we’ve found a whole new spin.
If you reach for the heavens,
You get the stars thrown in.
Stephen Hawking, the famous scientist who studied the universe, offered very sound advice, which I passed on to Year 6 and now to all our Copthill children and to you: “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up.”
Aiming high and not giving up takes every characteristic of a Copthill Learner - a responsible citizen, team player, independent explorer, problem solver, creative thinker and reflective learner. Our three school rules are also significant - be responsible, be respectful and be reflective. These values are constants, no matter how old we grow or indeed how much the world seems to change.
At Copthill, we want to instil in our children the curiosity, excitement, desire and drive to be lifelong learners, seizing every opportunity to pursue their dreams and to write their own success stories at each stage of their journey.
At the end of an academic year, we look to the future but it is also important that we reflect on the achievements and successes of the time that has passed. This review allows us to do just that. Read, reflect and remember: ‘Anything can happen if you let it.’
Anything, and everything, happens at Copthill!
Mrs Helen Schofield
Copthill Stampede 2023