Principal's welcome
We wish you a happy, healthy summer holiday
We wish you a happy, healthy summer holiday
Another Summer Term and school year are coming to an end. This review and some of the many end-of-year events all remind us of the busy place this is and the amazing daily opportunities which the children all enjoy.
I want to thank all the staff. Everyone from our catering and domestic team, assistants, musicians and teachers have all had vital roles to fulfil, always going above and beyond normal expectations as part of one genuine great team. They have all made a crucial contribution to the success of the year and the inspirational learning that takes place daily at Copthill.
Sadly as already mentioned in a recent newsletter we will be saying farewell to Tamsin Fleming, who will be returning to the Isle of Wight to be closer to family after 10 years here at Copthill. Her inspirational work in the Early Years department will be greatly missed.
As will the great support of Jill Muxlow, our Forest School Lead, who has inspired a love of learning in the outdoors whatever the weather. Our thanks and best wishes to her as she embarks on a new career journey.
Thanks goes to Carys Jenkins,who has been a great support at Copthill as our Early Years Apprentice. We wish them all the very best.
Also, Sarah Hawkins (Year 4) who will be leaving for a new school role in Dubai. She came all the way from Malaysia for an interview during Covid. Due to restrictions, she never actually got to see the school as her interview was conducted in an empty Hunters Coffee Shop! All our leavers have all been hard working and inspirational members of staff and we will miss them and wish them every future success.
I would also like to thank Lucy Campbell (Chair) and all members of the CPSC team for their support this year behind the scenes. Some of the events that we have managed to put on, have only been possible with their support and input and we are hugely grateful.
We wish you all a happy and healthy summer holiday. We have a very busy programme of activity weeks planned and we look forward to seeing many of the children over the coming weeks.
With best wishes
Mr Jonathan Teesdale
A Copthill Year in Pictures

The King's Coronation