A super summer of sport!
The sun finally joined us and shone on a busy Summer Term for sport at Copthill. With eight weeks of fixtures, countless clubs, three sports days and four house matches we were never short of activity for the children!
The reorganised ISA National Netball at Rugby School was finally played and it was a day we will treasure forever. Being placed in a pool with the defending champions, we knew it was going to take our very best netball to progress out of the pool. We finished second which allowed us to continue our tournament in the top flight of the competition.
As the matches got tighter, the girls' determination and fight just grew and grew. I am extremely proud to say that the girls finished in third position nationally, which is a huge achievement for both the girls and for Copthill.
We entered our inaugural girls football tournament with an enthusiastic group of Year 5 girls and they were extremely successful. They didn’t let one goal in all day - pretty impressive when 12 teams entered! It goes without saying that the team finished as overall winners.
The Schools Triathlon in aid of Restless Development saw a huge number of Copthill children take on the challenge again, following on from wonderful numbers last year. As a school the children raised a grand total of £6,207.86! A huge thank-you and well done to all of the families involved.
We trialled a new format for the cricket house matches this year, and we were really pleased with how it went. Cricket allows us the unique opportunity to play mixed girls and boys teams within their year groups. We did this from Year 3 right through to Year 6, and it was super successful. So for the first time in 2023 we had four separate year group winners which was lovely. The winners were as follows: U8 Lindsey, U9 Casewick, U10 Lindsey, U11 Casewick.
Sports Days were glorious, as always. They are often seen as the pinnacle event in a sporting year, and they are certainly one of my favourite days of sport. Watching children across the school enjoying being physically active as part of a team. A chance to experience competing as an individual while being part of something much bigger is a wonderful sporting environment to experience.
The final Wednesday of term will see our Year 6 children versus parents matches. These are always great fun and bring out the real competitive nature in everyone. I wonder how many parents can dust off their trainers and show their sporting prowess?! Watch out, Year 6!
It’s been a busy term as always at the Stamford School pool for Years 1, 2 and 3. We say goodbye to Year 3 and wish them well in their future swimming adventures, be it fun on holidays or moving onto more competitive activities. Next term we look forward to welcoming our new Year 1 swimmers to their Friday morning sessions.
We also say goodbye to Miss Nasey and thank her for her time at Copthill, she has been a wonderful addition and I will miss her positive outlook and bubbly personality. We also thank Mr Bullough for volunteering this term. It has been wonderful to have another pair of hands for umpiring and coaching, and he even put his handyman skills to good use for ‘Mary Poppins’!
We look forward to welcoming Mrs Young back in the Autumn Term too. It will be amazing to have her inspiring teaching back in the department, particularly for her swimming lessons and work with the younger children.
The PE staff really appreciate the positivity in which Copthill sport is played and supported. So, to all the parents who have given up their time to drive children to matches, support from the sidelines, enduring the highs and lows of sport, thank-you! Without you so much of what we achieve at Copthill would not be possible.
Enjoy a restful summer and we look forward to returning in September to enjoy another exciting term of hockey, rugby, cross country, climbing, swimming, karate, gym, orienteering, dance….
Mrs Alcoran
Sports Day 2023