Head''s News

The Copthill story is all about you!

Some people say there are only seven types of story in the world. There are thousands of ways to tell these seven stories but some say that all stories fall into one of seven categories. These are quest, voyage and return, rags to riches, rebirth, overcoming the monster, tragedy and comedy. All great stories need great characters. You are the main character in your own story and, together, you are the main characters of our Copthill story. Think about your story this year. Quest stories tell us about heroes heading out on a journey to achieve something great. Every new school year is the beginning of a new quest but just think about the great things you have achieved this year. When I think about all the awards and certificates our head girls and boys present to you in assemblies, I know just how much you achieve both in and out of school. Voyage and Return stories involve characters journeying to strange lands where they overcome danger or learn important lessons before returning home and sharing their adventures with friends and family. Your learning journey took you from school to home for most of the summer term, which was different and strange, sometimes scary, sometimes fun, but most of you were able to return to school to share your tales of lockdown with your friends. Those of you who have continued to learn at home, will have such stories to share in September and I can’t wait to hear them! Rags to Riches stories have a poor and unhappy character. They gain something, lose it, and then gain it back. At times, when you weren’t at school, I felt very unhappy because the classrooms, playground and outdoor spaces weren’t ringing out with the sounds of you learning and playing. Now that so many of you are back, I properly appreciate just how special our school is. In a Rebirth story the main character has to get used to change, but, by the end, they discover what is really important. I think we all know that now. Overcoming the Monster stories explore the idea that everyone feels scared sometimes. Reading monster stories can help people overcome their fears, whatever they are. We might have all felt a little bit frightened and confused over the past few weeks - when we had to learn at home, when we weren’t sure what to expect when we came back to school and now when we look ahead to September. But we know that, together, we can help each other and we can achieve great things. Tragedy examines what it’s like to feel sad. Sad things happen to everyone but sad stories help us realise that we’re not alone. None of us have really been alone while we’ve been learning at home because of all the amazing ways we’ve stayed connected. And that makes me smile. Comedy makes us laugh. Different people find different things funny but we can all take joy in sharing a funny story with our friends. I have laughed at many of the wonderful, funny videos your teachers made especially for you when you were learning at home - and I have laughed at some of the unexpected events of Zoom meetings. I heard that a pony joined one meeting and then had an accident in the kitchen! I read a book recently that said: “Each time someone stops to tell a story and children listen, a school has been established.” Make sure you share your stories of the school year 2019-20 and, next year, together, we’ll write the next chapter of your success stories.

Mrs Helen Schofield