Upper School

We built a Viking longboat and went ‘over the top’ in WW1 too

Spring has truly started to blossom as we bring this past term to a close. In the Harry Potter books, J.K Rowling writes, ‘Happiness can be found in the darkest of times when one only remembers to turn on the light.’ Even though this term started with some challenges with an unexpected return to lockdown, there has been so much incredible learning and so many moments to bring big smiles! Year 4 children have been voyaging through the lands of the Saxons and Vikings, exploring the adventures of Beowulf and creating their very own kennings. They have even built their own Viking longboat which saw its maiden voyage in balmy weather at the end of term! ‘Body Bits, Bones and Bandages’ have truly been the theme of Year 5 lessons recently with their learning about the Ancient Egyptians, including creating their own mummified fruit bodies, and, in Science, performing heart and lung dissections. We loved watching the Horrible History style videos Year 5 created all about the Nile and other aspects of daily life. This half term, they have been immersing themselves into the life of the Ancient Greeks, creating their own pottery designs, tasting traditional feasting foods and even holding their own Greek Olympics. Year 6 travelled back in time to learn about life during World War 1 and the trenches. We have been so proud of the maturity and empathy shown by Year 6 when reflecting on this time in history, made even more real during one afternoon when Year 6 took on roles in the life of a WW1 soldier, digging their own dugouts, experiencing gas attacks and going over the top! As well as their history lessons, they have been delving into the world of elements with their periodic table scavenger hunt. They are also extremely excited to reveal to you their production choice this year: ‘Oliver’. They are already busy rehearsing with gusto. As well as all of these amazing experiences, Upper School children have all taken part in some super themed days together, including World Maths Day, creating 100 in so many unique ways, and Comic Relief, showing off their crazy hair styles! World Book Day also saw a live author zoom session and some incredible book character outfits as well as extreme reading ideas from yoga to skateboarding. We are beyond delighted to have all our Copthill Learners back in school enjoying time together and immersing themselves in Copthill life in the grounds again. We wish you a wonderful Easter break and look forward to welcoming you back to enjoy the super summer term ahead.

Mrs Hesford

Upper School Leader



Viking raiding on the Welland Warrior!

Building and sailing our Viking ship


Back in school!

We have had a fantastic week with all of the children back in school.

YEAR 5 & 6


Twas brillig and the slithy tothes…

Y6 analysed the nonsense language (and mirrored writing) of the Jaberwocky from Alice through the looking glass by Lewis Carroll.


Groovy Greek feasting

As part of their Ancient Greeks topic, Year 5 did some Greek food tasting in the classics garden this afternoon including figs, olives, flatbreads and tzatziki.