Principal's welcome
A thank-you to staff and parents for going the extra mile
Another busy year has drawn to an end, and what a year it has been. Those dark November days with a third of the school isolating seem a long time ago! Since then, school life has gradually returned to something more familiar - particularly this term - with so many wonderful events as highlighted in this exciting newsletter.
At this time of year we are sadly saying farewells - to pupils, families and staff who have all been an important part of the Copthill family.
Our Year 6 children leave us with some happy memories of their ‘truly scrumptious’ performance of ‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang‘! They have all made the very most of their years at Copthill, and we wish them the very best at their new secondary schools in September.
In the staff room we say farewell to Miss Lexy Wells, who this year has been covering maternity leave in Year 1. We thank her for her dedication, excellent teaching and the wonderful impact she has had on our children.
Goodbye and thank-you to Mrs Helen Pye, who will be retiring from our Learning Support Department. She has done an amazing job, supporting all our current Year 6 children and staff as well her vital one-to-one role over many years.
Laurence Sidwell will also be moving on. We are grateful for the support he has provided the PE Department, and across many other classes as an assistant throughout the year.
Thank-you to Mrs Rowena Jackson for her inspirational language teaching this term with Years 5 and 6, again as maternity cover. We hope to keep her expertise in some form over the coming terms.
Although only with us a short time, a sincere thank-you too to Mrs Mariya Kozak, who has provided excellent care and support in Year 1 this half term.
There is another member of staff/parent who has been very ‘gradually’ leaving over the last term - Mrs Susan Genever-Jones. She has been a huge support to the PE staff and also been in charge of looking after all the school animals. Often called upon at strange times of the day and night, she has been a great support to me personally. The children (and animals!) will all miss her expertise. However, we wish her and all our staff leavers the very best for the future.
As always there are many other sincerely felt ‘thank-yous’ to be said. Firstly, to our very special CPSC, who have organised so many wonderful events this term - Stampede, Go Kart Grand Prix, and the Soiree last weekend. It was thoroughly enjoyed by all those attending.
This is also the appropriate time to thank Mrs Vicky Fisher for all her amazing work chairing the committee. We know it remains in great hands as she passes the reins over to Mrs Campbell.
Also, a debt of gratitude to Mrs Melville and Mrs Clifton, who will be leaving Copthill, and Mrs Durrands and Mrs Hastings who are stepping down after many years of support. Our thanks to all the parents who help on all these occasions. They continue to add an important dimension to the life of the school, and the efforts are greatly valued by everyone.
My final thank-you is to all the staff for another year of dedicated teaching and support to all the children. Copthill and all the amazing learning opportunities which happen each day only exist because of their enthusiasm, energy and inspiration and desire to ‘go that extra mile’.
School life will continue here throughout the summer with holiday weeks, animals, maintenance and developments. In the meantime, the Teesdale family wish you all a very happy summer holiday.
Mr Jonathan Teesdale
The Copthill Stampede 2022

The Copthill Go Kart Grand Prix 2022